The Ukrainian Community of Queensland Inc.
Invites everyone to attend the first event in our new Community Centre.
at the
(the former Lynndon Bowls Club)
Starts at 6pm
Our community priests will bless our new facility at this first community event.
We will have our young cyclists from Ukraine and "Folknery" will show their film about their travels and perform for us. See attached advertisement.
A large selection of Ukrainian beers and spirits (best in Australia) will be on sale at out fantastic bar.
Food will available to purchase.
Come and share this first event with us and be part our new era of Ukrainian Community life.
Parking is available in our Galsworthy Street carpark next to the building and we have another carpark at the rear of our club from accessible from Sterculia Avenue.
There is also street parking available.
Entry is $5. This money raised will be donated to our guests from Ukraine as they are raising funds for there film making endevours.
Ласкаво запрошуємо Вас відсвяткувати першу подію у новому Народному домі (Народній Домівці)
Долучітся до освячення нашої домівки всечесними отцями.
Привітайте молодих велосипедистів з України, музичний гурт Фолькнери, які розкажуть нам про їх подорож до нас, продемонструють фільм і заспівають нам.