(07) 3420 5764
Dr Kvit Zustrich
May 3, 2012

The Ukrainian Community of Queensland Inc. invites you to meet

President – Rector of the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"(KMA) in Ukraine.
Thursday 10 May at 7pm at the
70 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane.
(Downstairs social club area.)
Dr Serhij Kvit is in Australia meeting with Ukrainian communities and Australian Universities.   
Serhij is an activist in Ukraine who has his finger on the pulse and has through his University pushed the Ukrainian authorities to the hilt.
We are writing to seek your support and to invite you to join us in meetingDr Serhij Kvit on Thursday 10 May, 2012
at 7.00pm at the Ukrainian Community Centre, 70 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, in the downstairs social club area.
He is worth listening to and deserves our support.
It is times like this where people like Serhij would appreciate support.
Our small way of doing this is by meeting with him.
He will speak briefly about Academic reform in today's political situation in Ukraine and the role of the KMA University in media reform.
If you can make it and bring someone else along that would be much appreciated.
He can present in English as well, so our younger members are most welcome to attend.
If you can confirm your attendance by return email to [email protected] that would be appreciated, otherwise see you there.
Refreshments will be available.
His visit is being sponsored by the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations.
Запрошуємо Вас на
Зустріч з
Д-р СЕРГІЄМ КВІТОМ- Президентом Національного Університету ”Києво-Могилянської Академії”
10.05.2012- год 7.00в Нарoдному Домі
В програмі:
Доповідь на тему: “Стан і розвиток Академії у сучасній політичній ситуації в Україні та роля Академії в реформах медії в Україні”