The Ukrainian Community of Queensland Inc. invites everyone to attend a commemorative luncheon and concert to remember and honour those who gave their lives for Ukraine.
SVIATO HEROIV Commemoration
On Sunday 29 May 2010.
Ukrainian Community Centre
70 Cordelia Street
South Brisbane
We ask that you are seated by 11:45am.
Lunch will be served at 12noon.
The Concert will commence at 1:30pm
Lunch – Cost $12 for Adults, $6 for primary school aged children.
Українська Громада Квінсленду запрошує Вас на спільний обід вшанувати пам'ять всіх героїв українського народу
Український Народний Дім
70 Cordelia Street South Brisbane
29-го травня 2011р
Початок:год.11:45 до пол.
Слава нашим героям!