Ukrainian Geologists come to Brisbane 5 August 2012 for 34th International Geological Congress. Брісбен – Делегація Держгеонадр України, 5 серпня 2012 р
Делегації Державної служби геології та надр України у Брісбені 5 серпня 2012.
Делегація братиме участь у 34-му Міжнародному геологічному конгресі. 6 – 11 серпня 2012.
More than 5700 geoscientists from 112 countries will converge on the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre for 34th International Geological Congress.
A delegation of 13 Ukrainian Geologist met with the local Ukrainian Community in Brisbane on Sunday 5 August 2012.
The delegates arrived last night and have a full program over the next week.
Registration for the conference commenced at 1pm on Sunday so the delegates had the morning available to attend mass and meet with the local Ukrainian Community here in Brisbane.
At the end of the mass parish priest Father Stefan Sapun invited Mr Stephen Chomyn, President of the Ukrainian Community of Queensland Inc to tell to parishioners about our guests from Ukraine and to invite everyone to meet afterwards in the adjacent Church hall for tea and coffee. Mr Lyubomyr Goncharuk, First Deputy Head, State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine was invited to talk to the parishioners in the Church about the delegation and their visit.
Later in the parish hall, Mr Goncharuk presented 4 volumes of a new book called "Geological Landmarks of Ukraine" to Mr Chomyn for the Ukrainian Community library. He also presented Father Sapun with a framed picture of Ukrainian Church embedded with amber stones and a sample of rock that was 2500 million years old.
The delegates enjoyed meeting our local community.
The following photos are from the meeting today.
Фотографіїіз зустрічі з Українською громадою Квінсленду неділю 5 серпня 2012