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MEDIA RELEASE: UCQ condemns Russia’s illegal claim of annexation of Ukrainian Regions
October 1, 2022

“The Ukrainian Community of Queensland Inc. (UCQ) in the strongest terms condemns Russia’s illegal claim of annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia following the sham referenda held in those regions.” said UCQ President, Peter Bongiorni.

“We have already seen many world leaders condemn the illegal annexation of Ukrainian territory and these leaders have imposed new sanctions against enablers of Putin’s regime in Russia. We ask the Australian Government to join these international moves and condemn this illegal annexation of Ukrainian regions.” 

“Russia’s sham referenda, annexation and nuclear blackmail demonstrates their total disregard for international law and the value of human life. Such a nation should not be allowed to have representation in Australia and we call on the Australian Government to immediately expel the Russian Ambassador and all Russian Diplomats from Australia” he added.

“We urge Australia and the rest of the word to continue to stand with Ukraine, to continue sending Bushmasters, M113s, medical equipment and other military and humanitarian aid, so that Ukraine can defend itself from the aggressor, Russia”.

If you wish to support UCQ, they will be holding a Ukrainian Festival in honour of the Ukrainian Defenders Day Holiday on 15 October at the Ukrainian Community Centre in Holland Park West.

Media Note: 

Email only – [email protected]

Address as media enquiry

Issued on 01/10/2022