Шановні батьки,
Запрошуємо вас та ваших діток до участі у святкуванні дня Святого Миколая.
19 грудня 2021 року
0б 14.00
Українська громада Квінсленду.
47 Galsworthy Street
Holland Park West
В програмі свята:
– передріздв’яні саморобки
– веселощі на повітрі
– музика та пісні
– обід (безкоштовно для дітей)
– Святий Миколай
З собою просимо мати подарунок (по одному для кожної дитини в межах $20.00) обов’язково підписаний
Вступ: $5.00 на дитину
З запитаннями та пропозиціями звертатися [email protected]
Dear Parents,
We invite you and your children to participate in the celebration of St. Nicholas Day.
Sunday December 19th 2021 from 2pm
Ukrainian Community of Queensland
47 Galsworthy Street
Holland Park West
The holiday program:
– Christmas homemade treats
– Fun in the air
– Music and songs
– Lunch (free for children)
– Saint Nicholas himself!
Please bring a gift, one for each of your children within $20.00) must be signed
Admission: $5.00 per child
If you have any questions or suggestions you can email [email protected]
Due to Queensland State Government regulations, from December 17th 2021 or when Queensland hits 80% double vaccination (whichever comes sooner, we will require all guests over the age of 16 to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
On arrival at the Ukrainian Community of Queensland Community Centre, you will be required to check-in using the Check in Qld app and our team will need to see a copy of your vaccination status or medical exemption, which can be in the form of:
- Printed or digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate;
- Online immunisation history statement – downloaded from MyGov, Medicare; or
- Medical exemptions provided from a medical practitioner in the form approved by Queensland Chief Health Officer
Guests under the age of 16 without a vaccination must be accompanied by an adult from their household who is fully vaccinated within our community centre at all times.
In the event that guests over the age of 16 are unable to provide proof of vaccination or exemption, due to Queensland Government guidelines we will not be able to provide entry to our premises due to financial penalties for guests and businesses.