(07) 3420 5764
Ukraine Crisis Appeal – Stand With Ukraine
February 20, 2022

Dear Members and Friends,

In Ukraine today many people are preparing to defend their homeland. We in Australia must be ready to stand in their corner, to support them as we have been doing since 2015 with the ukrainecrisisappeal.org.

Working together with Rotary in Australia and Caritas in Ukraine, this fund has assisted refugees fleeing the war in Donbas and provides support to war affected veterans and their families.

Now is the time to act. A war has been going on since 2014. The threat of further military intervention compounded by pandemic economic stress is aggravating an already difficult situation. Further destabilisation gets Putin closer to his goal of subjugation of a sovereign Ukraine.

We need to urgently build up the funds in the Ukraine Crisis Appeal to be able to continue our ongoing programs but also be ready with available funds to provide immediate emergency relief and food packages should the situation in Ukraine intensify.

We are partnered with high-profile, reputable organisations who have to date already executed well-planned programs that will help hundreds of people and these organisations have the infrastructure and ability to direct our funds quickly  to where ever they are most required.

We are now reaching out to you members and friends of our community to remind you that the all donations to Ukraine Crisis are fully tax deductible.

Together we must quickly raise a minimum of $150,000 AUD to be ready to provide whatever urgent assistance is required to Stand by Ukraine or to continue running our vital assistance  programs.

Make a donation today so that Caritas can keep vital assistance programs going and can step up as required. Make your tax deductible donation at https://www.ukrainecrisisappeal.org/

For more information please contact: Darka Senko 0417 237 938  or Dan Wolody 0401 311 596

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